Ramakrishna Mission, Shivananda Library at Khar (West), Mumbai was founded in 1925. Srimat Swami Shivanandaji Maharaj a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna and 2nd President of Sri Ramakrishna Math & Mission laid the foundation stone for the library building. Hence this library is named after him.
Ramakrishna Mission Mumbai has been providing many Humanitarian Services for more than the last 90 years. Our activities are purely philanthropic in nature. We are a non profit spiritual organization and as a result our membership charges are highly subsidized.
An effort has been made to start a center for disseminating knowledge and value based intellectual development in the suburbs of Mumbai by the inauguration of a free public reading Library.
Anybody can come and make use of the wonderful FREE Reading Room facility having pin drop silence environment.
This Library has slowly and gradually acquired books on various topics like Ramakrishna, Vivekananda literature, Science, Engineering, Computers, History, Geography, Philosophy, Psychology, Social Science, Medicine, Management, Astronomy, Education, Law, Yoga, Etc. It has now grown into a huge Library in North Mumbai having nearly 43,000 books. We have books in other languages also like Bengali, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Sanskrit and few other South Indian languages. We subscribe to a number of magazines, periodicals, newspapers in different languages.
We invite all educated classes and students to avail this great opportunity and benefit themselves for their intellectual well- being and all round personality development.
Reading Room is FREE for all