Sri Sri Maa’s Temple

The Uniqueness of Mother’s Temple
The temple of Holy Mother at the Ramakrishna Math Mumbai, is unique
Firstly, it is only one of the two temples (the other being at Jayrambati, birthplace of Holy Mother) – wherein Holy Mother is worshipped as deity through an idol.
The premises where Mother’s Idol is worshiped was the main temple of Sri Ramakrishna till 1965 – when the present building was constructed.
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After the main worship was shifted to the new temple, there was a demand from the devotees that the sanctity and peace of the original temple be maintained through appropriate means.
This led to the installation of Holy Mother’s Idol in the old temple and just as the devotees sought, the sanctity and peace continues to remain in the premises.
The temple of Holy Mother is grandly decorated and becomes the focus of attraction for all devotees on special occasions such as Holy Mother’s birthday, Durga Puja, birthdays of Swami Vivekananda, etc.
There is no regular ritualistic worship conducted at this shrine. However, flowers and incense are offered to Mother every day
Not to be missed. And the unique calm that pervades Holy Mother’s temple will not escape any sensitive individual who visits the place
Saturday Bhajans
You too can join the worship and bhajans. On Saturday from 3.00 pm to 5.30 pm
Every Saturday evening, groups of lady devotees gather in ‘Mother’s House’ to sing bhajans and be together in the company of sister devotees, like one big family under the benevolent gaze of the Mother.
The Prasad, mostly prepared by the devotees themselves, is distributed after the bhajans. This is a tradition from the time of Holy Mother’s Centenary in 1953.
You will find the shrine doors open on this day, with a clear view of Mother. Some devotees are also allowed to enter the shrine and perform small acts of service to Mother.
- Begins with Sarada Naam Sankirtanam
Followed by readings from the Vachanamrit (“Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna” in Hindi)
This is followed by the singing of assorted bhajans, and Bhagavad Gita
Ends with the singing of “Prakritim Paramam” – the hymn to Holy Mother written by Swami Abhedananda.
Temple Gallery
Open your grief-stricken heart to the Lord. Weep and sincerely pray, ‘O Lord, draw me towards You; give me peace of mind.’ By doing so constantly you, will gradually attain peace of mind.
Such is life, here today, gone tomorrow! Nothing goes with one, except one’s merit and demerit; good and evil deeds follow one even after death.
He who has really prayed to the Master, even once, has nothing to fear. By, praying to him constantly one gets ecstatic love (Prema Bhakti) through his grace.
However strong or beautiful this body may be, its culmination is in those three pounds of ashes. And still people are so attached to it. Glory be to God.
Open your grief-stricken heart to the Lord. Weep and sincerely pray, ‘O Lord, draw me towards You; give me peace of mind.’ By doing so constantly you, will gradually attain peace of mind.
Pray to God with tears in your eyes whenever you want illumination or find yourself faced with any doubt or difficulty. The Lord will remove all your impurities, assuage your mental anguish, and give you enlightenment.
One who makes a habit of prayer will easily overcome all difficulties and remain calm and unruffled in the midst of the trials of life.
We have to surrender ourselves completely to the Lord with faith and devotion in Him, serve others to the best of our capacity, and never be a source of sorrow to anybody.